I have been getting on well making cards for the sale at the end of October and I have also made a few bookmarks and tags for presents. Things are definately seeming more positive.
I am reading a book at the moment called Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh and it is really helping me be mindful which basically means to be present in the moment, not to worry about things that were in the past or are coming in the future. I would highly recommend it as it is beautifully and simply written and is most inspiring.
I have also decided once again to give up alcohol. It does not do me any good and I think it is a very positive step. I have used alcohol far too much since I left collage and it is time to stop. I am feeling very positive about it at the moment and hopefully this will continue and the urge will be overcome and not acted upon. For me I think the urge to drink either strikes when I am hungry or tired, so I can try to solve these problems and stop the urges at the same time
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